Houston AcupunctureAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that has been used for hundreds of years. Acupuncturist use a holistic style of healing a patient and acupuncture is known to heal a wide array of sicknesses. It focuses on helping the patient's overall health using a variety of methods such as acupuncture, mixture of herbal medicines, acupressure, cupping, electric stimulation, and moxibustion.
The doctor may use a variety of these treatments to help heal the patient. Because every patient's illness is unique, Dr. Yang will first diagnose the problem and then target the problem using different treatments to understand what works best for every individual patient. Acupuncture consists of body, ear, and scalp acupuncture. The target area depends on the patient's symptoms and may be followed with herbal medicine or another treatment. This list does not include all medical illnesses that Dr. Yang can treat, so call 713-278-9788 in order to get a free consultation and to see how acupuncture can help treat your problem. For more information on Acupuncture, check out our homepage. |
Acupuncture Wellness
713-278-9788 9413 RICHMOND AVE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77063 |