Electric Stimulation HoustonElectric stimulation is very similar to acupuncture, with the exception that it is connected to an Electric stimulation machine in order to generate a more intense stimulation to the acupuncture points in the patient’s body. It sends electric pulses to the acupuncture points, but is harmless and is a very effective way to treat many chronic symptoms, physical injuries, spasms, and neurological damages.
This method allows the practitioner to target a larger area than a normal acupuncture treatment and is often used when the patient is dealing with neuro-related disorders and chronic disorders. It is a safe and painless procedure, much like acupuncture. The duration is normally much shorter than a typically treatment because of the high stimulation caused by the electric pulses. Patients with chronic disorders such as arthritis, muscle wasting diseases, carpal tunnel have had much success with this treatment and many holistic practitioners incorporate electric stimulation to patient’s who have muscle, tissue, skeletal damage. Electric stimulation is one of the many services that Dr. Yang will incorporate in his treatments and will ultimately decide which is the best option after diagnosing the patient’s symptoms during a free consultation. There have been many clinical studies of how Electric stimulation has been an effective treatment for chronic muscle/joint disorders and how the stimulation of neurotransmitters in the body have shown vast potential and positive results towards recovery. For more information on acupuncture, check out our homepage. |
Question 1: What is E-stimulation?
It is a type of acupuncture treatment but with an electric stimulation machine attached to each needle to send electric pulses to each acupuncture point. Question 2: Does it hurt? It hurts no more than regular acupuncture needles. Many have compared the sensation to a slight pinch or poke. Question 3: What are the benefits of E-stimulation? It sends an electric pulse to create stimulation for each acupuncture point which allows for a speedier recovery. Question 4: How long is the treatment? The treatment will run around the same length as a regular acupuncture procedure, around 40 minutes to an hour. |
Acupuncture Wellness
713-278-9788 9413 RICHMOND AVE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77063 |