Acupressure HoustonAcupressure is a form of acupuncture therapy that is performed by massaging acupuncture points. Acupressure is performed using the thumbs, fingers, and palms to stimulate the nervous system and the flow of chi in the patient's body. Acupressure is a form of holistic massage therapy that helps clear the blocked chi in the patient's acupressure points.
Acupressure gives similar benefits as acupuncture and treats the following symptoms, but is not limited to: -Alleviating stress and anxiety -Relaxes the body's tissues and joints -Treats acute pain/injury -Treats digestive abnormalities -Treats headaches -Treats chronic pain Just like acupuncture, acupressure stimulates the body's hormonal, nervous, circulatory systems. With the release of endorphins and other essential hormones, it stimulates the natural healing process in the body. For more information on acupuncture, check out our homepage. |
Question 1: Does it hurt?
Acupressure is not a painful treatment. However, there may be slight pressure and potential soreness from the pressure points. Dr. Yang will constantly check on you to make sure that you are in no pain. Question 2: Is it like a normal massage? No, Dr. Yang will focus on the acupressure points to help relieve tension and relax the muscles that may be tight and causing pain. Usually the pressure points are not all over the body so unlike a regular massage, acupressure will be more focused on specific areas of the body. Question 3: Why is Acupressure beneficial? Acupressure will help relieve muscle tension and encourage better blood flow throughout the body. Your body will feel more relaxed and it can help reduce muscle cramps and spasms. |
Acupuncture Wellness
713-278-9788 9413 RICHMOND AVE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77063 |